Yogh Ȝ is an old english symbol for the letter Y.
The “why” drives everything we do.
Why hospitality?
Why culinary?
Why Art?
Why Agriculture?
It takes more than one element to create a system. Be the why, not the because.
Yogh Group is a hospitality development and ownership company with patent-backed technologies. Our on-property value is created through the vertical integration of energy, food, and waste technologies. Off-property, our licensable technology helps companies pursue circular solutions and boast profitability through our patents
We are unifying hotel, art, culinary and agriculture to create a hub for community and sustainability. Sustainable for people and the planet.
Sustainable Technology and Hospitality are the perfect union
We are a sustainable technology hotel development and ownership group. Focused on advancing environmental, economic and social sustainability through our patents and processes. Achieving as close to zero waste as possible while generating power, heating and cooling sustainability.
Every Yogh Group property is a public good.
We provide power to the community using renewable sources
We empower local artists
We cultivate chefs
We use ethically-sourced furniture, fixtures and expenditures
We use ethically-sourced and environmentally-compatible building materials, methods and land reclamation
We are re-engineering the social contract so that each employee is a sales employee and can self-create a path to higher income
We are raising wages through higher margin plates